Community College Association of MESA Directors - CCAMD
Calendar of Events - CCAMD
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Board Meeting on Zoom every 1st and 3rd Wednesday

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1/15/202510:00am to 11:00amAmy Foote

Board Meeting on Zoom every 1st and 3rd Wednesday

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2/5/202510:00am to 11:00amAmy Foote

The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Educational Services and Support (ESS) Division is excited to announce MESA Technical Assistance Office Hours. Please join the ESS MESA office hours to ask questions and receive technical support regarding MESA.

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2/5/20251:30pm to 2:30pmKathy Caroll

The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Educational Services and Support (ESS) Division is excited to announce MESA Technical Assistance Office Hours. Please join the ESS MESA office hours to ask questions and receive technical support regarding MESA.

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2/5/20251:30pm to 2:30pmKathy Caroll

Board Meeting on Zoom every 1st and 3rd Wednesday

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2/19/202510:00am to 11:00amAmy Foote

Board Meeting on Zoom every 1st and 3rd Wednesday

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2/19/202510:00am to 11:00amAmy Foote

Board Meeting on Zoom every 1st and 3rd Wednesday

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3/5/202510:00am to 11:00amAmy Foote

Event registration is now open

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12:00pm to 2:00pmGisela Spieler-Persad

The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Educational Services and Support (ESS) Division is excited to announce MESA Technical Assistance Office Hours. Please join the ESS MESA office hours to ask questions and receive technical support regarding MESA.

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3/5/20251:30pm to 2:30pmKathy Caroll

The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Educational Services and Support (ESS) Division is excited to announce MESA Technical Assistance Office Hours. Please join the ESS MESA office hours to ask questions and receive technical support regarding MESA.

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3/5/20251:30pm to 2:30pmKathy Caroll

The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Educational Services and Support (ESS) Division is excited to announce MESA Technical Assistance Office Hours. Please join the ESS MESA office hours to ask questions and receive technical support regarding MESA.

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3/5/20251:30pm to 2:30pmKathy Caroll

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